Autor Marcel Schwald und Choreograph Chris Leuenberger gewinnen den Preis ‘Schweizer Tanzerbe’ des Bundesamtes für Kultur für “Kreutzberg”, einen dokumentarischen Tanzabend über das Wirken des Ausdruckstänzers Harald Kreutzberg (1902-1968) in Bern.
Premiere am 17. September 2015 an der Dampfzentrale Bern.
mit Jenny Beyer und Chris Leuenberger sowie Hilde Niederer, Anita Bürki, Lieselotte Haas und Helga Gomolka, alle Absolventinnen der Harald Kreutzberg Tanzschule Bern (1956-1964).
Video, Licht, Bühne: Patrick Becker


On March 21, 26 and 28 a preview version of Chris’ new solo ‘ORGANISATION’ was shown in three different South American cities: Manaus, Montevideo and Buenos Aires.

In Manaus the solo was shown in the context of the workshop series ‘Jovens Criadores do Amazonas’ for which Chris was one of the invited guest teachers. Two performances were presented in a row at Espaço das Cias in the center of the city on Saturday, March21st. There was considerable media coverage with articles on the workshop series and the show appearing in two of the major newspapers. A lighting design was created specifically for that space which turned out to be suitable for the work. organi-manaus

In Montevideo Chris coordinated the event ‘invitación a sentir el tiempo’ together with Catalina Chouhy and Carolina Silveira in the Spanish Cultural Center CCE. A number of artists from different fields were invited to spend time together and host a 12-hour event from sunset to sunrise to witness and investigate the passing of time. Several shorter works as well as impromptu happenings and collective activities took place in the course of the night. At the starting time of the event the CCE’s 4th floor studio and its adjacent rooftop terrace were populated by around 50 artists. Only 20 stuck it out all the way to the breaking of dawn.


In Buenos Aires ‘ORGANISATION’ was presented at Café Müller in the frame of FIDEBA – Festival Internacional de Danza Emergente / Buenos Aires.


foto credit: Nacho Correa

foto credit: Nacho Correa

PRANASHAKER – Improvisation mit Atem und Bewegung

Ausgehend von Pranayama-Übungen aus dem Yoga geht es um das Potential des Atems, dem Körper mehr Durchlässigkeit und neue Ausdrucksformen einzuhauchen. Ein spezielles Interesse gilt dabei der Musikalität des Atems und ihrer Übertragung auf den tanzenden Körper. So werden spielerisch die Verbindungen und Kontraste zwischen Atem und Bewegung erforscht, die im zweiten Teil des Trainings anhand von kurzen Improvisationsscores ausgelotet werden.




March 5, 2014 14:00-17:30 h

Chris Leuenberger and Lincon Soares propose a laboratory working on breath, movement and the environment. Through a number of exercises stemming from pranayama,  breath is explored as a basic tool to create movement. What’s the relation between breath and movement? Investigating breath’s expressive potential we’ll discover its different rhythms and characteristics to communicate with a partner, with a group and with the environment.

Página do evento no facebook:

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Agua Viva Estudio Multiarte –

Taller de creación e improvisación con Chris Leuenberger y Ruth Ferrari


Febrero 18, 19 de 18 horas a 22 horas.

Café Müller, Lavalleja 1116, Villa Crespo, Buenos Aires




En este taller  trabajamos con métodos y herramientas que fui descubriendo durante el proceso de creación de las obras «Masculinity» (2008) y «Soplo de Vida» (2012). Investigamos la respiración como instrumento musical y herramienta para generar movimiento.
¿Cuál es la conexión entre respiración y movimiento? Descubriendo las posibilidades expresivas de la respiración, vamos a extraerle diferentes ritmos y características para comunicarnos con el espacio y con los otros cuerpos. Partiendo de ejercicios respiratorios del yoga y de otras prácticas somáticas, construiremos un lenguaje de aliento y movimiento con el cual improvisar ‘scores’ en dúos, tríos y en grupo. A través del trabajo con la respiración procuraremos llegar a nuevos estados, investigando los vínculos y la potencialidad entre estados performativos y meditativos.
Dirigido a bailarines, actores, coreógrafos y a todas las personas interesadas en trabajar con la respiración y el movimiento.
Inscripciones: $300
descuento alumnos e estudiantes $250
Tel: 4775-5697

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From October 14-27 Marcel Schwald, Lukas Acton and Chris Leuenberger were artists-in-residence at deVIR CAPa, Centro de Artes Performativas do Algarve, in Faro, Portugal. While Chris sketched out the beginning of a new solo with the working title ORGANIZATION, Marcel organized his computer and life, collaborated with Chris on a concept about Kreutzberg’s cultural legacy in Bern, and Luki made a series of sketches for a do-it-yourself comic strip book on the theme of flirtatious communication. Overall the threesome managed to structure their days quite well with daily yoga sessions and green smoothies, all the while grappling with questions regarding productivity, efficiency and creativity.


foto: Lukas Acton

For three weeks Public Apology (Lea Martini, Noha Ramadan, Chris Leuenberger) inhabited the outLINE gallery in Amsterdam  to research the performativity of apologies. On Sunday, April 21 from 18:00 to 19:00h the ‘House of Sorry’ was opened to the public as Public Apology shared the findings of their research with an audience and thus opened the Festival for Live Art Amsterdam with a performative act.

Public Apology will continue their research into apologies throughout the coming months until premiering the evening-length performance  ’deeply, really, truly’ on September 19 at Sophiensaele, Berlin.

Kniefall Willy Brandt in Warschau

In March Masculinity was on tour in Brazil and Chile with performances in Florianopolis, Teresina, Belo Horizonte and Santiago de Chile. As part of this tour Chris taught the workshop ‘Soplo de Vida’ focussing on the physicality of breath in Montevideo, Teresina, Sao Paulo and Santiago de Chile.


foto: Nacho Correa

Oficina de criação SOPRO DE VIDA com Chris Leuenberger (Suíça)

Nesta oficina vamos trabalhar com métodos e ferramentas que desenvolvi durante o processo de criação da obra SOPLO DE VIDA em Montevidéu (2012). Quero investigar a respiração como ferramenta básica para gerar movimentos. O que é a relação entre respiração e movimento? Investigando  as possibilidades expressivas da respiração, vamos descobrir diferentes ritmos e características para comunicar com o espaço, o grupo e o público. Partindo de exercícios respiratórios da ioga kundalini, da respiração holotrópica, da meditação dinâmica de Osho e de outras práticas somáticas, construiremos uma linguagem de alento e movimento com o qual possamos improvisar simples partituras e ‘scores’ coreográficos.


foto da obra “Soplo de Vida” no teatro Solís, Montevidéu (dezembro 2012)  fotógrafo: Nacho Correa

interview Mosaico TV Antares mosaicoTVentrevista



Trip photoshoot at Sarakasi


Trip en Masse Kenya. Remembering the Post Election Crisis. Promoting Peace.

White Horse has been invited to adapt Trip to 9 dancers from Nairobi. As Kenya is preparing for their next elections, Trip en Masse Kenya is an invitation for a cultural reflection on the violence and riots that happened in 2008 in the aftermath of the country’s elections.

IMG_1527Trip en masse Kenya

TRIP en masse Kenya can be seen 16-17 January at the Sarakasi Dome and 19 January at Fisherman’s Camp in Naivasha. Performances start at 19.00, tickets can be bought at the door.